As we are all in a state of collective shock and grief, perhaps already depleted after the incredible work you each did leading your communities for the holidays, Atra wants to support you with meaningful programs and high-quality open-source resources to provide clergy across backgrounds and roles with tools and support they may require at this critical time.
This page draws from this live, open-source document that will continue to be updated. Contributing organizations’ logos are featured. If you would like to share resources to include, please fill out this short form or contact Brigid Goggin, Senior Director of Programs, at brigid@atrarabbis.org.
Upcoming Programs
Understanding Trauma
with Dr. Betsy Stone
Asynchronous Webinar
How do we support other people AND attend to our own grief? How do we recognize signs of trauma and offer appropriate support?
In this session, Dr. Betsy Stone, an expert in addressing issues of burnout, trauma, exhaustion and moral injury, will define the different ways we and others experience trauma, different kinds of trauma, explain signs to look out for, and offer guidance as we take care of others and ourselves.
Flourish – Mindfulness Certification for Rabbis and Jewish Communal Professionals
Jewish Clergy are invited to join author and master mindfulness teacher Yael Shy and Rabbi Miriam Margles of the IJS Senior Core Faculty for Flourish, a transformative 12-week certification program (January 8-April 1, 2024) in Jewish mindfulness.
As a Jewish communal professional, you are regularly asked to lead in contexts where others are facing grief and heartbreak, fear and pain. And yet, we cannot lead wisely when we feel reactive, depleted, or burnt out. We can only model what we ourselves embody – with skill, mindful awareness, and abiding sacred connection.
*Certification issued by Mindfulness Consulting, LLC
Source Sheets
Torah that Responds to This Moment with Rabba Yaffa Epstein (Source Sheet)
This session was offered by Rabba Yaffa Epstein, Senior Scholar & Educator in Residence at The Jewish Education Project, on Monday, Nov 20, 2023.
“During these difficult days, we are all looking for opportunities to connect – to self, to our colleagues and to the wisdom of our tradition. Join us for an hour of responsive Torah that will feed your soul and bolster your work in supporting your communities in a time of increased antisemitism, heightened tension, anxiety, and fear.”
This open session was offered in partnership with Atra: Center for Rabbinic Innovation and The Jewish Education Project.
Crying with God, shared by Rabbi Avi Strausberg, Senior Director of National Learning Initiatives at Hadar Institute
Text source sheet “Crying with God” created by Rabbi Avi Strausberg. Access here.
Torah Responses to Tragedy, shared by Rabbi Yaffa Epstein, The Jewish Education Project
Text source sheet created by Rabba Yaffa Epstein, Senior Scholar and Educator in Residence at The Jewish Education Project. Access here.
Trauma and Mental Health
Resilience and Wellness Skills, created and shared by WorkHaven
Information about individual responses to trauma and vicarious trauma, and skills for resilience.
Pastoral Care for Grief and Mourning
Jewish Guide to Supporting Individuals through traumatic death, shared by Rabbi Melanie Levav, ED of Shomer Collective
PDF guide designed for use by Jewish professionals who are often called upon as “first responders” after a traumatic death in their community. Access here.
Grief and Mourning Resource Library, shared by Rabbi Melanie Levav, ED of Shomer Collective
A collection of resources from a variety of Jewish sources about grief and mourning. Access here.
Resource Library - How to Talk to Kids about Death, shared by Rabbi Melanie Levav, ED of Shomer Collective
A collection of resources from a variety of Jewish sources about how to talk to kids about death. Access here.
Reform Movement Prayers for Israel, created and shared by the CCAR
A collection of readings to use in your community. Access here.
Prayer for Times of War, shared by Reform Judaism of Israel
Prayer written by Rabbi Mira Regev, and inspired by a prayer for times of war by the Rabbis Yehoram and Oded Mazor. Access here.
Jewish Values and Prayers about War, shared by Jewish Federations of North America
Created to help add Jewish values and prayers into communication during this time of war in Israel. Access here.
A Prayer from a Traumatized Jewish Heart, shared by Rabbi Menachem Creditor
Prayer written by Rabbi Menachem Creditor. Access here.
Rabbinical Assembly Resources, shared by Rabbinical Assembly
Collection of educational resources and liturgy for rabbis. Access here.
Prayer for the Well-Being of the IDF, shared by Rabbi Aderet Drucker from the Den Collective
Prayer with English and Hebrew. Access here.
Psalms for this Time of Crisis in Israel, shared by the Rabbinical Assembly
Collection of psalms and prayers compiled by Rabbis Rob Scheinberg, Gordon Tucker and Jan Uhrbach. Access here.
Israel at War: How did this Happen, shared by Shalom Hartman Institute
Audio and text of episode one of the For Heaven’s Sake podcast from Shalom Hartman Institute, featuring a discussion with Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi. Access here.
Shalom Hartman Resources shared by Shalom Hartman Institute
Collection of newly posted programs, blogs, articles, and other resources. Access here.
Rabbinical Assembly Resources, shared by Rabbinical Assembly
Collection of educational resources and liturgy for rabbis. Access here.
Crisis in Israel: A Moment of Chizuk and an Update from the Front Lines, shared by Orthodox Union
Collection of videos with daily teachings and reflections. Access here.
Resources for Teaching about Israel in Crisis, shared by the Jewish Education Project
Collection of educational materials, fact sheets, prayers, and more. Access here.
Israel at War: Support and Resources, shared by the Den Collective
The Den Collective’s webpage for a growing list of communal support and resources for navigating the war in Israel at this time. Access here.
Workplace Support
Supporting Jewish Nonprofits during the Crisis in Israel, shared by Leading Edge
Collection of resources to support in leading your team during times of crisis. Access here.
Community Action
Ta’anit Tzibbur: A Day of Communal Fasting for Hostages, shared by Hadar Institute
Community action, including educational information, for a day of fasting on Thursday, October 12, 2023. Access here.
Vigil resources
Israel Vigil (10/8/23) shared by Rabbi Mendelson, Port Jewish Center, Port Washington, NY
Source sheet of poems, songs, and prayers from the Port Washington/Manhasset Synagogues Community Vigil for the State of Israel. Access here.
Operation Iron Sword, Vigil/Processing Resources, shared by Rabbi Danielle Leshaw from Hillel International
Resource sheet for Prayer, Gathering Spaces, and Vigils. Access here.
Outline for Prayer Vigil, shared by Zvika Krieger, Chochmat HaLev
Outline for a prayer vigil, including a number of prayers and readings. Access here.
Dvar Torah from Student Rabbi Sass Orol Brown
Dvar Torah written by Sass Orol Brown, rabbinical student at JTS. Submitted by Jericho Vincent. Access here.
Community Vigil for Israel, shared by the Den Collective
Collection of poems, songs, and prayers from the Den Collective Community Vigil for Israel. Access here.