Rabbi Atara Cohen


Rabbi Atara Cohen is passionate about fostering vibrant pluralistic communities in which all participants can cultivate their own relationship to Judaism. She received semikha from Yeshivat Maharat and teaches Judaics at The Abraham Joshua Heschel Middle School. She has studied Torah in a variety of settings, including Midreshet Nishmat, Hadar, Drisha and a BA in religion at Princeton University. She loves teaching Torah that speaks to our social, intellectual, and emotional realities.

During rabbinical school, Atara focused on human rights and social change through various fellowships. She served as a rabbinic intern at the Columbia-Barnard Hillel and a Cooperberg-Rittmaster Pastoral and Educational Intern at Congregation Beit Simchat Torah. Atara lives in Manhattan, where she runs, knits, and enjoys cooking new recipes for her friends and family.

Fellowship for Rabbinic Entrepreneurs Cohort Year 2021-2022 Early Career