Rabbinic (re)Design Lab: Onboarding for Rabbis Starting a New Job


Welcome to the Rabbinic (re)Design Lab

What have we learned and where are we going?

A springboard towards implementing your vision for your community.

Join a select cohort of 12-15 clergy peers to receive support and guidance in integrative innovative approaches to Jewish community building as you begin a new job.

This 5-workshop collaborative and fast-paced virtual experience will guide and challenge rabbis in new roles through the Atra innovation methodology, providing a hands-on approach in real time to bring a new program or initiative to your community. The curriculum has been adapted to address the specific challenges and opportunities that impact this distinct group.

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What’s Involved

Recognizing that there is no universal onboarding process and that organizations are unique, we believe there are certain best practices and methods that could help ease the transition of starting a new job for spiritual leaders and set you up to successfully lead in entrepreneurial ways. Through workshops and 1-1 coaching and with a supportive pluralistic cohort, we hope to help facilitate your onboarding process.

The Rabbinic (re)Design Lab offers a pluralistic cohort-based approach to empower spiritual leaders as they reflect, collaborate with colleagues, plan for new work, and apply their learnings in real time as we use the challenges of the moment as opportunities for progress and growth.

You will attend five, 90-minute innovation and group coaching labs in a pluralistic cohort conducted on Zoom and are eligible for an individualized coaching session. The program includes:

  • Structured peer support and small group collaboration to respond to and plan for the emerging conditions and needs in your communities
  • Group learning and study
  • Support and guidance in strengthening, implementing, and evaluating a new project or program 
  • Access to expert group coaching as you apply new learnings to shape your community’s future


Session dates to be announced soon.



This program is intended for rabbis, cantors, and Jewish spiritual leaders who are starting new jobs and interested in innovative approaches to community building. Unless otherwise specified, this program is open to Jewish spiritual leaders of all backgrounds.



Registration is $450/person and includes:

5 workshops and associated materials

1 private coaching session with a professional rabbinic coach


Payment will be due upon registration. This program is generously subsidized by Atra supporters; scholarships are available as we do not want financial barriers to limit your participation.
Please email us at shalom@atrarabbis.org to learn about available subsidies.


Click the button below to receive an update when the next cohort applications are launched.

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Know someone you’d like to nominate for the Rabbinic (re)Design Lab? Share their name and contact info with us here and we’ll follow up!

The Rabbinic (re)Design Lab partners with organizations to offer customized training for their members, staff, leadership. If you are interested in partnering with Atra, contact us at shalom@atrarabbis.org.