Supporting your spiritual leadership at this time of crisis in Israel
In response to the Israel-Hamas war, Atra wants to support you by collecting open-source resources to provide clergy across backgrounds and roles with tools and support they may require at this critical time.
Torah Responses to Tragedy, facilitated by Rabba Yaffa Epstein
Presented on Wednesday, October 11 at 1:00 pm ET/10:00 am PT, watch the recording of Torah Responses to Tragedy facilitated by Rabba Yaffa Epstein, Senior Scholar & Educator in Residence at The Jewish Education Project.
Finding Your People: Relational Community Building Workshop
Recruitment is a sticky subject in the Jewish community. Getting people to show up takes planning, thought, and technique.
Im Ein Kemach, Ein Torah: Creative Resource Development for Spiritual Entrepreneurs
When were we supposed to learn how to raise money?? And how do I make time for it?
The Rabbi’s Second Brain: The Technologies That Help Us Get Things Done
Do you ever think to yourself, “If only there were two of me!” We got you, Rabbi. No, we can’t clone you, but we can help you get organized, clear, and creative.
A Guide to Fundraising for your Own Professional Development
Presented in partnership with IJS.
Event recording: Hack the Holidays: Simchat Torah
The Torah can't dance on its own, so we become its legs.
Event Recording: How might we learn from our High Holiday Experiences? With Dr. Daniel Olson
In a fast-paced environment, how might we learn from our High Holidays experiences?
Event recording: Hack the Holidays: Creative Use of Technology
In this new normal, we connect through technology.