Individualized Coaching and Consulting



Talk through your biggest challenges.

You’re working harder than ever and managing ever-changing plans. And sometimes you need a supportive voice to work things through. Atra offers one-on-one coaching and support with experts in the field. Talk through your biggest challenge – be it coping with burnout, planning ahead during uncertain times, managing your Board, family engagement, or building community through technology – or just use your coaching hour to get the chizuk you need from an expert who cares.

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Rabbi Hannah Kapnik Ashar
Fellowship for Rabbinic Entrepreneurs, 2022-'23
Founder, Raẖmanah, The Women's Prayer Initiative
“Atra really gave me space to build
out my ideas, to identify what I love
within my vision, to imagine freely,
to practice articulating. My greatest
takeaway was the shift from seeing
my big vision as a fantasy to seeing
it as something I can בע׳׳ה build
in the world.”